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Transcription software Folker

Today, when I came back to my seat in the library my neighbour was not at her place and I could take a look on her laptop display (I have to admit, that it really was an accidental gaze and I wouldn’t like to be pigeonholed together with Zuckerberg, Apple & Co.). I could read Folker and transcription. Didn’t knew that. I fired upGoogleDuckDuckGo and got to the site of the Archiv für gesprochenes Deutsch (Archive for spoken German) in Mannheim. Folker was developed in line with the GAT2 conventions (GAT2: Gesprächsanalytisches Transkriptionssystem/conversation analysis transcription system). It was written by an ‘old fellow’, developer of EXMARaLDA, Thomas Schmidt.

The program is freely available, you only have to registrate. It looks tidy, not oversized and suitable for transcription purposes. Eventually we will have more news on Folker at this lieu.

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